Mississippi Valley Soaring Association, Chesterfield, Missouri, USA

Fly for competition
Remote-control sailplane contests bring people together for an entirely different day of fun.
Contest flying helps hone thermaling techniques and precision landings are measured by the inch.

Fly for fun
Of course, flying with your MVSA clubmates is about much more than contesting.
For every contest session, there are several fun-fly days. A pleasant day, whether it's summer, fall, winter or spring will find a number of MVSA members at the field with a winch, enjoying the lift and the camaraderie.
Some of our members are students; others are retired; others work variable schedules.
This means that the lure of a beautiful flying day can usually pull at least a handful of stalwarts out to test the air.
On particularly sweet days, guys have been known to grab a day of vacation to get out to the sod farm.

Fun-flying is fun, of course, but it's more than that. It's a time to tweak and fine-tune your plane's trim, practice your launch technique, or maybe shoot for an LSF task.
A number of our members are working on the LSF achievement program, and we even have an LSF-relations officer who can assist new or experienced aspirants as they climb the ladder.

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